Oozing from peach tree and fruit - Ask Extension
Our peach tree has some reddish brown jelly like substance oozing in places from beneath the park and from some of the fruit. There is also lichen on...
Oozing from peach tree and fruit #648373
Asked June 09, 2020, 2:29 PM EDT
Our peach tree has some reddish brown jelly like substance oozing in places from beneath the park and from some of the fruit. There is also lichen on the bark of the peach trees and also on many of the maple trees along our driveway. What is causing the oozing on the peach tree and is there anything organically that can be done to correct the situation? Is the lichen harmful to the trees?
Wicomico County Maryland
Expert Response
Hi- this is called gummosis. It's a defense mechanism by which the tree pushes out
sticky resinous gums to expel insect pests and diseases and respond to
environmental stress. Specific causes include canker diseases, peachtree borer and plum curculio, excess soil water, heavy pruning, and extreme weather.
We can't determine the exact cause from the photos. It could be a combination of factors. Look closely at the globs of sap closest to the trunk for signs of frass (sawdust in the sap from peachtree borers feeding under the bark).
Because there is so much sap it could be a canker disease. In that case, you will see dead, oval-shaped areas that extend into the bark and you'll begin to see dieback of branches. If the tree looks healthy through the growing season, the cause of the gummosis was probably due to environmental factors.
You should remove the vegetation around the base of the tree and lay down 2-3 inches of mulch. This will help keep string trimmers and lawnmowers from injuring the trunk.
Lichens are not harmful to the tree: https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/lichens
These web pages will give you more information:
https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/diseases-stone-fruit (see Leucostoma canker)
https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/stone-fruit-insects (see peach tree borer)