
my monstera variegate #647217

Asked June 07, 2020, 7:16 AM EDT

hi i am wondering what variety of monstera i have
is it a mint?or a marmorata ?

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Differentiating between varieties of a particular plant which is bred to create new varieties is very difficult.  My impression of your particular question is the mint word.  From my experience, if a pant has the word miint as part of its name, it usually means that it has a scent similar to one of the mints. - peppermint, spearmint etc.
So  if it has a scent of a particular mint then that is probably the variety you have.  Other than that, you would need to find out the source of the plant.  In the third image, that whitish structure reminds me of a potential root growth, which if buried in soil, will develop into root system, allowing you to propagate the plant.
Ed Replied June 07, 2020, 11:03 AM EDT
hi Ed
there are four different varieties of monstera deliciosa variegated
the monstera Thai constellation
the monstera Albo
the monstera aurea marmorata
the monstera mint
and i just need a monstera expert to tell which one i have
i think i know which one i have but i would like a monstera expret to confirm which one i have got

The Question Asker Replied June 07, 2020, 11:27 AM EDT
I did a bit of searching on line to see if there are any physical differences based on the images you provided all of the images of the names of the plants you provided look very similar. I can see where you would need an expert to ID what you have.

Here is one site which deals with this genus. It appears that you might be able to contact the owner and get help with identifying your plant.

Since they are discussing your one species and that there is some confusion with the name being applied to other similar looking plants, they may be able to guide you to look at other characteristics on the plant to narrow down what you have.

here is another on youtube.

Base on what I have read, a specialist may need to physically see the plant.  The on line info is not very precise in differentiating the varieties.   Apparently the mint refers to a green color of the leaf and not a scent.

Ed Replied June 07, 2020, 12:57 PM EDT

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