
Brown Spots on Newly Planted Hydrangea #645740

Asked June 04, 2020, 7:09 AM EDT

Within the past few weeks, I planted a number of hydrangeas (Incrediballs, Limettas, Little Limes, and Bobos) in the landscape. They all get overhead sprinkler water and full sun. Within the past week, almost all of the Incrediballs have varying levels of brown spots on the leaves. I'm attaching two pictures of the leaves. The other varieties don't have this problem (yet anyway). The Incrediballs are planted in two different sprinkler zones, and one of the two zones was getting less water so the plants started drooping, and I gave them supplemental hose water at the base of the plant. But all of the Incrediballs have the same leaf spots, so I don't think this difference in water is relevant to the problem. I've read websites that say I should cut out the affected leaves but, in some cases, that would be half or more of the plant/stems. Suggestions? Thanks in advance.

Muskegon County Michigan

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. It sounds like you have really done your homework. Planting does cause stress to the plant, as does the excessive heat we had. Then all the rain. Stress makes plants more susceptible to disease. There are a few common issues with hydrangeas that we see. Here are some suggestions I hope you find helpful.

Thank you for your question, Replied June 04, 2020, 1:27 PM EDT

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