
Peach Tree Year 2 #645701

Asked June 03, 2020, 10:40 PM EDT

Hi there!  I purchased a peach tree and we are in year 2 of it's growth.  In March, I did not prune heavily.  It is now Late May and I just fertilized with Fruit Tree fertilizer.  I will send some photos, but the branches that do have leaves are abundant and have many potential peaches on them.  Others look dead.  Can you tell me:  1.  Do we need to replace the tree?  2 - year warranty 2.  Are we supposed to limit the amount of peaches to be produced [last year we only let one form until it was ripe] 3.  How do we nurse this baby back to health?  Thanks so much.  PS - we would rather not replace, but if we need to replace we need to.  

Dakota County Minnesota

Expert Response

Your Peach tree appears in sever decline in the photos you provided. I would recommend contacting the business you purchased it from to assess for replacement. Peach trees can be difficult to establish unless they are specific to Zone 4. Confirm with the grower that the variety is meant for our climate. Below is a link to information on growing peaches in MN.
Amy J. Extension Master Gardener - HC Replied June 07, 2020, 11:24 PM EDT

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