
New Veteran peach tree dropping green leaves after planting #643401

Asked May 30, 2020, 12:37 PM EDT

My new peach tree is dropping it's green leaves rapidly - they drop on their own and almost free-fall in the rain and wind or when touched.  I have a hunch it has to do with either over-watering and poor drainage (clay soil surrounding hole I dug) or not enough water.  I planted it about a week ago. I've attached pictures.  Can you advise on if I should backfill the hole and make more of a mound so it drains better? Or do something else?

Adams County Colorado

Expert Response


There are other factors that could be involved, but most likely this tree is suffering from transplant shock. Planting the tree in the heat we've been experiencing can cause more severe transplant shock than during other seasons. It very likely dried out during transport. Additionally, if the root ball was trimmed too severely or damaged, this could also cause similar issues. 

For now, make sure to keep the soil moist around the tree while it tries to establish itself. Applying a thick layer of mulch around the tree may help you in keeping the area moist - though don't have the mulch right up against the tree, keep it an inch or so away so new problems don't develop. 


Adams County Master Gardener Replied June 05, 2020, 3:21 PM EDT

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