
Response Fruit Tree Pests Damage #642980

Asked May 29, 2020, 1:08 PM EDT

Apple, Cherry & Italian plum trees affected. At the most 20% of leaves affected. Only been a year at this new house and may of noticed a little bit last year. We are really hoping to care well for them here for longevity of our lil orchard.

Marion County Oregon

Expert Response

Three of the photos show what appears to be a common fly, which is not a pest of fruit trees. The other shows a hole in the leaf. If you can get back to me and tell me what kind of damage you are seeing in general that would be helpful. The best thing one can do is regularly inspect your trees for any emerging signs of specific pests (which you are doing) and also plan to treat for any common pests, such as codling moth on apple. Info in the link below. Please feel free to write to my email with specific questions. Thanks!

Neil Bell Replied June 02, 2020, 10:51 AM EDT

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