
Viburnum disease? #641999

Asked May 27, 2020, 5:04 PM EDT

One of my viburnum bushes didn’t leaf this season and died.  Now a second one’s leaves are drying out and dropping.  The last for have copper colored splotches on the leaves.  What’s wrong with them and can I save them?

District of Columbia County District of Columbia

Expert Response

Hi - Viburnums are susceptible to dieback and cankers caused by fungal Botryosphaeria. The rust colored areas look like cold damage. We have had many reports of frost injury on landscape plants due to the late cold weather as new foliage was developing. 

The following fact sheet provides information about Botryosphaeria. We recommend pruning out the most severely affected branch(es) -- prune down to where you see healthy green tissue -- and monitor for new growth as the season progresses. There is no effective fungicide for this. Practice good plant care (water during drought, avoid over-mulching, test your soil) to minimize stress on the plant.


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