
Planting Gamble Oak Trees #641726

Asked May 27, 2020, 11:23 AM EDT

I have 3 Gamble Oak trees to plant in my yard.  The trees are now in gallon pots and are about 4 feet tall with healthy looking leaves.  The area for planting is in full sun and the soil is mostly clay.  I plan to mix the existing soil with garden soil, 50:50.  I bought the soil from Quality Landscape &Soil Products in Franktown, Co.  It consists of 30% topsoil, 30% manure & 40% compost.  I don’t know the pH of the soil or other mineral values like phosphate, nitrogen or potash.  I have a drip system for watering.  Can you give me advice for planting these trees and any tips for getting them off to a good start.  I realize Gambel Oak is native To Colorado and will probably do well in our yard.  Thank-you for your help.  I appreciate and value your expertise.  

Arapahoe County Colorado

Expert Response

Yes, gambel oaks are native to Colorado, so they should do well once planted. Below are a few links that will help you with soil amendments and planting your trees! First, a link with general information about oak trees. It includes a paragraph about gambel oaks. At the bottom of this link, is another link about Choosing Soil Amendments.

The above three links explain where and how the plant the trees.  #633 is lengthy, but informative.  

Hope this helps.
Arapahoe County Extension Replied May 27, 2020, 4:00 PM EDT

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