
potato pests #639526

Asked May 22, 2020, 3:31 PM EDT

I have a pest on my potatoes it's a very small segmented worm almost like a centipede and about the same color eating the tubers , I looked up wireworm and that's not it. can you help me identify this pest & give me an organic way to control it?

Wasco County Oregon

Expert Response

millipede ID

last portions are about control in garden, including chemical options

info on iron phosphate

Hi, it looks like you have millipedes in your potatoes. Because the pest is in the part of the plant you eat, pesticide options will be quite limited, organic or no.

There are some non chemical options that may help in the future, including less mulch early in the season and less organic matter in the soil. Chemical controls are limited to baits: there's a chart with options at the end of the second link.
If you want to stick to organic, you may have some luck with iron phosphate- some are organic approved- last column on the chart. 
Many of the baits are problematic for other animals- use cautiously. 
I hope this is helpful, Nicole

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2020, 1:00 PM EDT

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