
Loosing raspberry canes #639520

Asked May 22, 2020, 3:27 PM EDT

I have a raspberry patch in my backyard. I cleared dead canes in the fall last year and again this year in the early spring. We mulched the patch in April to keep the weeds under control. The second-year canes and many new 1st-year canes came in green and very healthy (the whole patch looked great), and the second-year canes started flowering. But then about week ago, the leaves on the second-year canes started to turn yellow, and many of these canes are now dying completely. The first-year canes look fine so far. This happened last year too, but I ended up losing a whole large section (1st- and 2nd-year canes) of my raspberry patch while the remaining section flourished. I would like to know what might be causing this and how I might prevent it. Thanks for any help you can provide.

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi- well-established raspberry plantings can decline due to several cane and foliage diseases (anthracnose, cane blight, and spur blight) and raspberry and rednecked cane borers. This leads to foliage and shoot browning and dieback. These problems are more difficult to manage with June-bearing cultivars, compared to primocane-bearing (fall) cultivars that are pruned to the ground between growing seasons.

Closely examine canes for symptoms of these diseases and look for swellings on canes that indicate borers. If you detect these problems, follow recommended management techniques- pruning, spraying, increased plant spacing, etc.

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