
2 broad leaf milky sap weeds in flower beds #638467

Asked May 20, 2020, 2:50 PM EDT

First year we have seen these, pics attached below.  Only have one of the plant I thought was teasel, but I was told it was not.
The second plant is in three different beds with multiple encounters.  Any assistance identifying them would be appreciated.

Thank you,


New Castle County Delaware

Expert Response

First, let me say it is not conclusive to identify a plant by only seeing its leaves.   Having said that, I have a couple of guesses for you.  If you want to watch these plants develop, you may be able to verify these id's or get a better answer later in the season, but you take the risk of getting many more of them if you do.  The first leaf may be from a sowthistle, or milk thistle, which is a dandelion relative with a white sap.   The second and third photos probably show a leaf from prickly lettuce, or compass plant.  This plant also has a milky juice and stiff prickles on the prominent midrib of the lower leaf surface.

With all the spring rain we have had, almost everything is thriving this year, the plants we want and the ones we don't want!  Good luck with your gardening.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 21, 2020, 9:29 AM EDT

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