
Pluot tree unhealthy leaves #637499

Asked May 18, 2020, 4:12 PM EDT

I have a Pluot tree in my front yard. 
  • Tons of direct South facing sun
  • Slightly acid soil
  • 2 years old
  • Well draining soil 
  • Frequently water in the dry summer months
This year, the tree has looked unhealthy.  Spots on many leaves.  Even new leaves look unhealthy.  Almost curled up.  There is a bit of sap that came out of the blooms in the spring (which seemed like it bloomed early this year).  

Totally looks like what in the plum world would be leaf curl.

Am I on the right track?

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

I would check for aphids under those curled leaves. With the Taphrina fungi that cause leaf curls they actually are causing a leaf gall. You get extra plant tissue produced that cause the leaf to deform. The insects will make the tissue fold back on itself and that is more of what I see in the images. Also look for ants that are farming the aphids and/or lady bugs that are predators of the aphids.
Jay W. Pscheidt, PhD, Professor Replied May 18, 2020, 8:32 PM EDT

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