
Weird split down middle of tree trunk #637110

Asked May 18, 2020, 7:10 AM EDT

Ok, so, this is my friends tree in NJ. I'm not sure what kind of tree it is, was hoping someone here might be able to help with that, along with any input on what your opinion is on what could have happened to this poor tree. I believe it is a flowering type tree. 

So, basically, they didn't notice anything wrong with the tree, until they realized it wasn't blooming yet. Then noticed this split, & posted it on Facebook, asking for advise. But, noone had a serious answer, was mostly, that sent me into research mode. Lol. I've been looking up and reading different stuff most of the day. But, Pretty much all the information is about the frost crack and the sun damage, as well as the sporadic growths etc. I would like to say first, I am no tree expert! Lol I just love trees, and I like a challenge and I like to learn, so that's why I'm doing this. Anyway, in my opinion from what I read and the pictures I've seen, it doesn't really look like the frost cracks. I mean this sucker is split down the middle of the trunk it looks like, and almost looks like it was in a storm, but it hasn't been. My first question to them was, was it struck by lightning? Said they didn't know, but didn't see any black on it. So nosy me started zooming in on the pictures etc. And I saw from a distance couldn't get it that close a strange looking spot on the top of the tree trunk where the branches start to come out that looked dark, maybe black. So I asked them if it was really dark or it was a shadow or the picture or just So they took a few more pictures for me to look at, and the more I looked at them the more perplexed I got. The bark to me, looks different on different places of the tree, and it just didn't look very healthy on the trunk part, & It didn't look like most of the pictures I saw of the Frost crack etc. It looks like it was ripped apart. Also at that "weird" place at the top of the trunk, it looks like there were branches there, maybe & cut off. They also said that there was some water sitting in the lil divot around it.  Just that whole area where the branches come out, looks strange. And lastly, they took a pic of the ground area & I really don't know what to make of it, looks "strange to me too .... Lol... There is also a place at the bottom, near the ground that they were so excited about, that the said looked like "new growth", but, I have no clue. I believe the tree needs to come down, but would love to hear opinions on what could have happened here, & if anyone with an expert eye can tell if it has bugs, or disease or what? Any input would be great! Thanks so much in advance, for taking the time to read this, & help a curious woman out! Lol...

Ps- I am going to post a few more pics in a seperate blog too, not enough room on this one.

Burlington County New Jersey

Expert Response

Just based on the shape of the tree and the bark, this tree could be an eastern redbud. Do the owners remember if it had dark pink or white flowers along the branches in past springs?  As to the cause of the split, my best guess is that it happened during the winter when there was a dramatic swing in temperature at some point.  But even just exceedingly cold temperatures could have caused it.  It's also possible that high winds caused it to fracture.  It is a little unusual to have a crack in the main trunk like that as opposed to the crack starting near where the branches branch off. At the base of the tree it also looks as though there could be a girdling root, a root that was wrapped around the root ball when the tree was planted that has thickened and potentially damaged the main trunk. If the tree hasn't shown any signs of life yet then it has probably died.  
Sylvan Kaufman Replied May 18, 2020, 1:29 PM EDT
Hey there, thank you so much for taking the time to answer my concerns. First, I had asked them about the flowers before I wrote my post, but haven't heard back yet.
Also, I asked about the weather conditions up there, & he said it was pretty mild winter. But, you replying about the root damaging the trunk, makes sense. Maybe it didn't need to be "that" cold to cause that.
Do you think that maybe the trunk was so damaged, & the tree had basically died, & the weight of that left side cause it to split like that? I say that, because of how that crack looks "shredded" inside. And, it may be my imagination, but in one of the pics that shows the lower left part of the trunk, it almost looks like buckling, or wavy? Thanks again
The Question Asker Replied May 18, 2020, 2:05 PM EDT
I think the waviness would have been there before the crack but it does look like the left side of the trunk is pulling away from the right side.  I really can't say whether the tree died and then split or if it the split caused it to die.
Sylvan Kaufman Replied May 18, 2020, 2:41 PM EDT
Awesome! Thank you so much! 
The Question Asker Replied May 18, 2020, 2:50 PM EDT

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