
black shiny beetle like bugs #634806

Asked May 13, 2020, 4:01 AM EDT

I am in Eugene. I've had an organic garden here for decades. This year I have been seeing lots and lots of small roundish and very shiny black beetle like bugs. I find them on my plants, especially clover and pole beans. They do appear to be causing damage. What the heck are they and how do I get rid of them. Thank you,

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

If they jump, flea beetles. If not, try to send a picture. Thanks
Patricia Patterson Replied May 13, 2020, 10:32 PM EDT
Here are two pix of the shiny black beetle.
Mostly see it at night. They don't jump when I go to squish them or 
shine a light on them. Sometimes they will just fall to the soil and lay there if
I miss them. That's why I don't think they are flea beetles. Ideas?
The Question Asker Replied May 19, 2020, 8:12 PM EDT
You are correct, these are not flea beetles which are more elongate. Exactly what damage are you seeing. There are lots of small black beetles, but I am not finding any like this in my research. The extent and look of the damage may narrow down the search quite a bit. By the way, these are extremely good pictures, showing dorsal and ventral views. With almost 400,000 identified beetles it can get tricky, but usually I can find them if I know what they eat. So far no luck with these.
Patricia Patterson Replied May 20, 2020, 12:55 AM EDT

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