
cherry tree #634064

Asked May 11, 2020, 1:43 PM EDT

would like to know if these are edible and how will I keep it fertilized 

Clark County Nevada

Expert Response

Thank you for contacting the University of Nevada Cooperative Master Gardener Help Desk.

Responding to your question regarding your cherry tree.
We think these look edible! In general, Cherries (Rose family) wild & 'domestic', do not have any members with fruit which is toxic to eat. Purple leaf plum found in our lanscape is edible, though it is not renown for it's flavor. Based on o  the serrated (saw-toothed edge) of the leaves of this tree, it is very likely this is a domestic variety. Which variety, we don't not know.

We hope this helps and again thanking for contacting us.

Lonnie and Martin
Master Gardeners
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 09, 2020, 5:26 PM EDT

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