Tiny black bugs all over the wood of my house - Ask Extension
What are these tiny black bugs every where??? They live all over the wood siding outside
Tiny black bugs all over the wood of my house #630483
Asked May 03, 2020, 11:38 AM EDT
What are these tiny black bugs every where??? They live all over the wood siding outside
Anne Arundel County Maryland
Expert Response
This looks like springtails. They feed primarily on algae, fungi, pollen and decaying organic matter. They are associated with dampness, organic matter, and mold. They have a forked appendage in the rear that enables them to jump. Springtails usually occur in the soil, but may also be found under potted plants, and decaying vegetable matter. They are harmless. They probably hatched on a warm day and outdoors they can be everywhere. Here is more information https://extension.umd.edu/hgic/topics/springtails