
Tiny white spots on pansy flowers #629554

Asked April 30, 2020, 7:21 PM EDT

Hi I potted these about a month ago in new organic potting soil. Today several pansy flowers covered in tiny white spots. Front and some on backside. Not sure if it’s powdery mildew? What is remedy? Attached is current example and one of first day of potting.

Weld County Colorado

Expert Response

Hi, this is Steve and thank you for contacting Ask An Expert. We always have to ask and have you determine if there have been any type of chemical sprayed around the area that may have caused this pattern. Otherwise, we would assume this is a fungal infection. Normally, we would also see the damage on the leaves as well. In the picture you sent, I don’t see that any portion of the bed  except the blue pansy flower is affected. So, from the pictures, I’d admit it’s a bit odd. In my research, most every disease associated with pansies is treated with a fungicide. I am attaching a link that lists several options on fungicides. Be sure to read and follow all label directions if you choose to use a fungicide. Best of luck .

Weld County Colorado Master Gardeners Replied May 01, 2020, 2:32 PM EDT

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