
Tiny black bugs on Japanese maple tree trunk. What are they? #625574

Asked April 20, 2020, 9:54 AM EDT

Tiny black bugs on Japanese maple tree trunk. What are they?

Chester County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

Thanks for your question.  There are a number of small black insects that can infest Japanese maples.  In order to make a correct identification, some additional information and pictures would be helpful.  These include: a close up of the insect along with an indication of size; a distance shot of the tree as a whole so I can see any obvious damage; examination of the trunk to see if there are any obvious holes (check shape) or debris (called frass - this may look like fine sawdust); any signs of damage on trunk or leaves.  In addition, have you seen this insect before, and have you taken any control measures?  
PA Virginia Replied April 20, 2020, 12:10 PM EDT
I have never seen these before.
we have not taken any measures.
This is the size next to a nickel.
The Question Asker Replied April 20, 2020, 12:25 PM EDT
The insects in the photos are springtails (order Collembola).

Springtails are detritivores that are common in moist environments, such as leaves and mulch. They feed on decaying leaves and plant material and are not harmful to trees and other plants or usually considered pests (in rare instances, springtail populations can build up to such high levels that they can damage seedlings and young plants).

While springtails are normally found on the ground and under protection such as leaves, they will migrate up onto trees and other structures when the soil becomes inundated during/after heavy rains. Once the soil dries back out, they should migrate back down.

For more information, please see this PSU springtail fact sheet

Michael Skvarla, Ph.D. Replied April 24, 2020, 9:45 AM EDT

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