Cucumber plant leaves - edges whitening - Ask Extension
Hi, my cucumber seedlings, now plants, are turning white in the edges of their leaves.
I noticed something similar starting on one of my pepper pla...
Cucumber plant leaves - edges whitening #624162
Asked April 14, 2020, 10:58 PM EDT
Hi, my cucumber seedlings, now plants, are turning white in the edges of their leaves.
I noticed something similar starting on one of my pepper plants, too. Maybe something to do with soil/nutrition? Watering? I’m using sunblaster 2400 grow lights, and I planted in organic starter soil. Images attached.
I realize I probably started these too early; I did recently transplant them into larger containers, so I know the roots aren’t troubled.
Thanks for your help.
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
We believe what you are seeing is scorch/sunburn from the lights. Your plants are now probably too close to them as they are taller than before.
Thank you! I've adjusted the light height, and I'll keep an eye on their progress.