
Growing Wiri Wiri Peppers #623476

Asked April 12, 2020, 5:32 PM EDT

I'm trying to germinate Wiri Wiri pepper seeds to no avail! I dried the peppers and took the seeds. Note that the peppers had been frozen prior to me drying them. Maybe that's the problem?? I soaked the seeds for 24 hours and planted them in plastic starter trays; 144 of them in total. Each pocket having 3-5 seeds. They were planted in sterile soil and a sterile manure mix. I also placed a heat mat under the trays. Kept them watered and covered. 3 weeks went but and no roots. I noticed that the soil was dry down below. I don't think that I was watering them enough with the squirt bottle. Okay...maybe there's still hope. I changed it up. I put them under grow lights and made sure that they are good and watered. 2 more weeks have gone but and no roots. Is this a lost cause at this point? I've attached a pic of the original tray set up and a pic of the current grow light set up. ANY guidance would be oh so appreciated! I was so excited to grow these! Please help! Thank you! Steve

Anoka County Minnesota

Expert Response

Thanks for writing.
Wiri Wiri are notoriously slow to germinate, up to one month.
The plant comes from Guyana where the coldest temp is about 80 degrees.  Being frozen is not something that I would expect Wiri Wiris are used to.  

I have no experience with this plant but if no activity in a month under these circumstances, my guess is they are toast, not hot.
I find your analysis quite humorous. Sounds like you can't say for certain but being frozen probably did not help the cause. One of my fears. And it's been over a month. I was hoping to supply the entire West Indian community!

Oh well...I gave'er the ol college try.

Thank Steve!
The Question Asker Replied April 12, 2020, 6:06 PM EDT
Thanks for writing back.
I will close with a final thought although I would give your seeds another week to germinate.
Beautiful! I'm laughing hysterically.

I'm going to give it 2 more weeks considering your comment about it taking a month...and I've only had them well hydrated for only 2 weeks.

Thanks again, Steve.
The Question Asker Replied April 12, 2020, 6:20 PM EDT

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