
Olive Tree Pest #621966

Asked April 07, 2020, 2:58 PM EDT

I live in McMinnville. I have three 3-yr-old olive trees and one 1-year old olive tree in my garden in the middle of town: one each Picual, Frantoio, Star of Crimea, Leccino. Looking at them today mid-morning April 7, 2020, I'm seeing on the ends of several branches in the growing tips--curled up leaves, some with round holes in them. In one there was a web and some kind of larvae.  I send photos of contorted leaves on one branch-end and caterpillar on end of another branch.  Wondering what this is, what damage it does, do I have to do anything about it, how can I best respond?  Thanks.

Yamhill County Oregon

Expert Response

It looks like you have leafroller caterpillars on your olives.  We have occasionally had these show up in our plants in our olive research trials as well.  They have not caused major damage, and will intermittently cause some leaf curling, but are not overall harmful to the health of the plant. For your home olives I would recommend hand picking and disposing of the insects/curled leaves when you see them.  The plants will continue to put on new leaves and grow normally after the curled leaves/caterpillar is removed.

I am excited to hear about your home olives, it sounds like you have some excellent varieties!

Let me know if you have any further questions and thank you for using Ask an Expert.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 08, 2020, 2:55 PM EDT

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