
Crab apple tree root #621122

Asked April 04, 2020, 5:05 PM EDT

This is in the root of a crab apple tree in our yard. Do we need to treat the tree, or is this something that means the tree is done for and needs to be removed?

Jefferson County Colorado

Expert Response

It is difficult to say from the pictures. My general recommendation for when fungus is observed on a tree's roots is to contact an arborist and ask them to make a site visit. 

I might suggest using the following website to help you find an ISA (International Society of Arboriculture) certified arborist near you:

If that doesn’t work well, I might also suggest trying an arborist certified with this organization:
An Ask Extension Expert Replied April 06, 2020, 6:29 PM EDT
Thank you! I’ll reach out to an arborist. Would hate to lose the tree if it was something we could have treated early on. 
Stay safe and healthy!
The Question Asker Replied April 07, 2020, 1:00 AM EDT

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