
what is this? #619279

Asked March 27, 2020, 6:26 PM EDT

First noticed them in bathroom, mostly on window.  This morning they were on ceiling outside bathroom, then I just noticed they are all over my living room window. It started last weekend.
I thought they came with my new organic mattress that has wool and smells like a barn.  Is that a stretch?

Anyway, need to identify them to see if I can get rid of them or call my landlord or return the bed. 

Thank you!!!

Alameda County California

Expert Response

It looks like a reproductive ant.  Not sure if it is male or female.

As for your mattress, if it smells like a barn, there is a good possibility that a variety of organisms can also smell it.

If you live near farms or wilderness areas, do not be surprised if you see some critters later this spring or summer at your windows and doors if not in your home. 

This is one of the drawbacks with some organic materials.  Lots of wildlife have adapted for centuries to search out food and homes with their sense of smell and they are a great deal more sensitive than humans to the odors and following them to the source.

Ed Replied March 28, 2020, 11:40 AM EDT

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