
Pruning Daphnes #618779

Asked March 25, 2020, 3:51 PM EDT

Hello! I have two healthy beautiful Daphnes in my front yard that I planted 2 years ago. I have read that you are not really supposed to prune them. That being said, I’m wondering if I CAN. The reason being, the Daphne bush that inspired me to plant them in the first place is a very dense and large hedge. Other Daphnes I’ve seen are a bit leggy. I’m really wanting my Daphnes to grow thick and dense like the one I was inspired by but would like some tips on how and when I would prune to get that result I’m looking for. Any tips? Thank you for your time and hope you and all your friends and family are healthy! -Nancine

Lane County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi, Nancine,

Yes, it is OK to prune Daphne odora, which is the one you have, with some care. It is perfectly OK to trim off damaged branches, and to tidy it up a bit. The best time to do this is right after it blooms.

This Daphne has a naturally sprawly growth habit, up to 5' or more wide (it will develop denser growth in the center, too), and it is not really worth trying to make it very compact. In fact, the spots you have put them in are much too small. May I suggest you either move them to a place with more room, or remove the sheared boxes flanking them? The Daphnes will appreciate the extra room. They are also going to want to sprawl into your lawn as they grow.

For much more compact Daphnes, grow the D. burkwoodii cultivars, like ‘Carol Mackie’).

Signe Danler, Online Home Horticulture Instructor Replied March 27, 2020, 2:14 PM EDT

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