
tiny black bug found in bed that bites #605968

Asked November 09, 2019, 7:56 PM EST

hi there! i’ve recently been getting bit by something in my bed and on my couch. it doesn’t bite often (maybe once a week) but when it does its bites are pretty itchy, but the itch lasts for only about a day, but leaves a mark for at least 2 weeks. please help me identify what it is. thank you so much!

New York County New York

Expert Response

This could be one of several beetles.   I would need to see the antenna and underside of the insect to figure out which one.
Cigarette beetle
Drugstore beetle
Both feed on dead, organic material. They will eat grains, dry cereals, hair, animal and plant material.
I have not seen reports that they bite people but they might, given the opportunity.

If you have animal or plant based clothing, blankets etc look carefully at them.
Look at your dried foods such a cereal. It would help if you put these foods in clear glass or plastic containers with lids. It will allow you to see any activity in the food and prevent insects from moving from one to another.
look at the information on these links.

Ed Replied November 12, 2019, 5:13 PM EST

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