
Split Redbud tree trunk #605485

Asked November 05, 2019, 10:38 AM EST

We moved into a new home in Pittsboro NC and the Redbud tree in front of house has a split trunk.  Should we treat it somehow or leave it alone.  

Chatham County North Carolina

Expert Response

Good Morning,

From the pictures you sent, it indeed looks like a pretty bad split.  From the looks of it, it has been there awhile.  If the tree is growing normally and shows no sign of insect damage or rot, I would probably leave well enough alone and just keep an eye on it.  Insects sometimes use large splits like this as an opportunity to invade the tree tissues and do further damage, so I would keep an eye out for that as well.  One other thing I noticed is that there is a large metal band around the tree.  That's fine, just keep an eye on that as well to make sure the tree doesn't start growing around it, which can be devastating for the tree.  I would also recommend you call your local Extension office there in Chatham County to have them come and take an up close look just to be on the safe side.  Their number is<personal data hidden>.

Randy Collins
County Extension Director
Graham County
An Ask Extension Expert Replied November 05, 2019, 11:27 AM EST

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