
Vietnam snake! #605468

Asked November 05, 2019, 6:43 AM EST

Help! What the snakes 1 and 2?

County Outside United States

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. The snakes in your photographs are flying snakes in the genus Chrysopelea. Based on your location it is most likely Chrysopelea ornata. It possesses rear fangs, but it's venom is not considered threatening to humans. This snake is normally shy, but may bite if restrained.

This species occurs in parts of India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Burma), Thailand, West Malaysia, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam, parts of China and the Philippines.

It is primarily arboreal, where it hunts lizards, geckos, small rodents and bats. It also adapts very well to human encroachment, and can often be found in thatched roofing. It is an excellent climber and is one of the group of "flying" snakes. The flying snakes launch themselves from a branch, and then compress their ventral, or belly, scales forming a concave, parachute-like, surface that allows the snake to drift for considerable distances between trees or from a tree to the ground. The snake has some control over the direction it travels by undulating its body as it travels through the air. It also uses its tail to maintain balance.

Here's a link where you can find out more about these snakes:

Hope this answers your question, and thanks for using Ask an Expert.

My friend, can you tell me what is this snake? Vietnam!
The Question Asker Replied November 06, 2019, 2:43 AM EST
Thank you for your question. Your photo doesn't show enough detail of the snake's head for me to be sure of the identity, but this looks like Deinagkistrodon acutus. This species is venomous. The venom is primarily neurotoxic in nature, and its bite can be fatal to humans. It belongs to the pit-viper family. It has a heat sensing organ, called a pit, located on each side of its head between the nostril and eye. This species has a prominent upturned snout. Its common names include Chinese moccasin, hundred-pacer, snorkel viper and sharp-nosed viper.

It is found in southeastern China, northern Vietnam and central and southern Taiwan.

It feeds on birds, lizards, rodents, frogs and toads.

Here is a link where you can find more information on this species:

I hope this answers your question and thank you for contacting Ask an Expert.


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