Termites in MN? - Ask Extension
I have a cedar structure greenhouse attached to my garden shed. This past year I found "sawdust" where the greenhouse is attached, building up on the ...
Termites in MN? #603231
Asked October 19, 2019, 3:36 PM EDT
I have a cedar structure greenhouse attached to my garden shed. This past year I found "sawdust" where the greenhouse is attached, building up on the wall, floor and nearby rack. I could not imagine what it was. At one point this summer, I was stung by a bee that came from the inside of the shed, at the same position where the shreds of wood are falling on the other side. We sprayed heavily to kill the bees, and there seems to be no activity now. But is that what caused the damage you can see in my photos?
Not sure if this is a Master Gardener question, and if not, I would be grateful if you could pass this along, or tell me where to send it. Thank you,
Jan Haley
Laporte, MN
Hubbard County Minnesota
Expert Response
One, there are no termites in Minnesota. They cannot survive our winters. Without an actual inspection of the area, I cannot give you an answer. It is possible the wood has been constantly wet and rot has set in. When that happens there are several insects who make that wood home, including carpenter ants. You need to have a professional pest control company make a house call and find your problem. We have several good ones in Minnesota. Do a Google search for your area.