Vine maple disease - Ask Extension
Attached is a picture of my vine maple leaves. This looks like a leaf miner to me, do you know what it is? How do I treat it? Thanks, Joyce
Vine maple disease #602609
Asked October 15, 2019, 2:57 PM EDT
Attached is a picture of my vine maple leaves. This looks like a leaf miner to me, do you know what it is? How do I treat it? Thanks, Joyce
Washington County Oregon
Expert Response
Your tree leaves look pretty normal for this late in the season. The damage is not caused by leaf-miner insects.
Maples (Acer) can have various leaf problems, including sun scorch. I’ll provide links with more information. Note that removing the leaves as they fall is recommended as basic sanitation to reduce leaf diseases. Our drought is damaging many trees so occasional deep watering in summers is recommended.
Next year if the leaves seem diseased in early summer, contact the local Master Gardener Volunteers for possible disease diagnosis, as there may be treatments available the following spring.
Maple leaf scorch, in the PNW handbook:
Maple anthracnose in the PNW handbook:
Maple tree with brown spots, a prior Ask an Expert Q&A:
Drought story: