
Small brown-red flying bugs #598743

Asked September 23, 2019, 8:16 PM EDT

We have these bugs in our home and can not get rid of them! They are smaller maybe 1/4”. They fly. Hard to kill. Find most in the bathroom and kitchen. Mostly near water.

Wright County Minnesota

Expert Response

These insects may be a red flour beetle. The red flour beetle is reddish-brown in color and its antennae end in a three-segmented club. Tribolium castaneum are 3/16 inch long, reddish-brown, and elongate oval. Larvae are cylindrical, whitish, or cream-colored and up to 1/4 inch long and have two small pointed spines on the tail end.The adults are attracted to light. These beetles are found not only inside infested grain products and but in cracks and crevices where grain has spilled. These beetles are common in homes. Look for tiny holes in food storage boxes. Try to identify and remove the source of the infestation. Flour beetles infest dried food products, such as flour, bran, cereal products, dried fruits, nuts and chocolate. Be sure to consider all likely food items including, dry pet food, dried flowers, nuts, birdseed, and all grain products.  Insecticides are not needed.

Pat M MN master gardener and TCA Replied September 23, 2019, 8:59 PM EDT
Do you think they are these beetles even if true majority of them are in our bathroom sinks showers countertops on a level of the house that has no food? Our bathroom and sons bedroom are crawling with them and no food in sight. How do we get rid of them for good? We built our house four years ago and have had them ever since 
The Question Asker Replied September 25, 2019, 7:00 AM EDT
Pat M MN master gardener and TCA Replied September 25, 2019, 1:26 PM EDT

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