
weeds in our lawn #597231

Asked September 16, 2019, 7:24 PM EDT

We have weeds in our lawn. This fall we want to treat our lawn to get rid of weeds. What is the best weed control product to use. I have also attached the weed we have in our garden. Our soil test came out with no problems in the soil.Thanks.-Hiranthi

Howard County Maryland

Expert Response

Hi - These are wild violets. They are a perennial plant (comes back year after year) and they are very difficult to eliminate.

There are a number of options including just enjoying the flowers in the spring and growing them as a groundcover. As a native plant, they have wildlife value as a larval food source for fritillary butterflies.

If manual removal (digging them out) is not practical, you will have to use an herbicide. Wild violets are hard to control because they are resistant to most common lawn herbicides. It may take multiple applications of an herbicide in order to achieve eventual success.

Immature plants are most susceptible to herbicide applications. Mature plants frequently require two or more herbicide treatments at 21 to 28-day intervals, in the spring and/or fall. Apply a broadleaf weed killer containing Triclopyr or a combination product like Trimec (2,4-D, MCPP, Dicamba) in the spring and then again in the late summer-early fall. Read and follow label directions.

See our website for more information,

Please see our information on lawn weed prevention and management.

Now is the ideal time of year to do lawn renovation.


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