
Leaf discoloration on new Gingko tree #596263

Asked September 12, 2019, 11:28 AM EDT

Hello Expert, I am so grateful for the chance to reach out to you. I have a young Gingko, Put it in last November in a berm. There are some heavy water needs plants near it and I fear I may have over watered. Not all leaves are affected but at top and east facing side are the worse maybe about 30% of leaves damaged . Some are dropping now. We had a temperate Spring and Summer here in Portland Oregon this year, still this is all new landscaping so I was on it, deep watering twice a week. There was one day I let it water from hose slowly for hours, forgetting I had it on. I am hoping against hope it is over water versus disease. There are many in the neighborhood all turning yellow now, mine still green except on damaged leaves and none showing the signs mine is. Kindest Regards and thanks for your expertise and time !! Susan

Multnomah County Oregon

Expert Response

Disease or pest damage on Gingko is unlikely. Root issues on a newly planted tree, however, are common. “Failure to establish” is a phrase I hear used, sometimes even years after a tree has been in the ground. Troubleshooting the problem with your tree now is a good plan. At a glance, this looks like an issue with water-uptake, likely roots or trunk damage. To figure this out will require some discussion about the tree at purchase (bare root or root-bound pot or ?), how you prepared the site, and how deeply you planted it. This publication from Pacific Northwest ISA about how to plant a tree is the basis for most questions you’ll be asked: This discussion and possible multiple photos back-and-forth will be easier with email and/or phone calls. I suggest you contact your County Extension Service Master Gardener Volunteers. You can give them the link to this page to avoid having to start over.

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