
Dead bushes/trees at UMB School of Social Work #595790

Asked September 10, 2019, 8:24 AM EDT

I noticed yesterday that all the leaves on 5-6 tall bushes/trees have turned almost completely brown and dried out. The leaves have not fallen.Can you tell me what this plant is and what might have caused the die-off? Another 3 trees are completely dead on Redwood Street (1 block west and across the street from Social Work).Not sure this is close enough to be able to identify. Can you identify them? Thanks

Baltimore City County Maryland

Expert Response

We would need to see more details of the tree in order to determine what it is. Can you send a photo of a branch with leaves? Do you see any evidence of remaining seedpods/fruits on the tree? If you see any remaining healthy buds on the trees, it would help to see those as well. The leaf you are showing in your photo has the symptoms of leaf scorch, an indicator that the tree is not getting enough water.

The tree dead trees in your second photo were probably in decline for some time. It is difficult for trees to grow in this type of urban situation where space for root growth is limited. There is limited area for the trees to take up the water and nutrients they need. Lack of water and high heat in an urban situation like this is not ideal for trees. Pollution/salt applications on the sidewalks in the winter also can have a negative effect on growth. When they are in stressful growing conditions, trees are more likely to have problems with disease and pest issues as well, unfortunately.


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