
Dark Green Slimy Fungus? #594090

Asked September 03, 2019, 12:10 PM EDT

We have a gravel driveway to our barn. There is some kind of fungus, I believe, that is growing in the gravel. When the weather is dry the fungus is black and crusty, but when it rains, it turns into this dark green slimy, slippery stuff. Do you know what this is and how to get rid of the stuff?

County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello and thank you for using eXtension for your " green slim" problem. What I believe you have it Nostoc Algae. It is a bit difficult to control but there is some that say baking soda works. Adequate drainage is the most important step to take in controlling it. Here is a link to an article for more information about it.
Warm regards, 

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