
Sick oak tree #584292

Asked July 28, 2019, 7:58 PM EDT

I have attached a few pictures of my oak tree, can you tell me what is happening to it? How canI fix it?

Wayne County Michigan

Expert Response

Thank you for contacting Ask an Expert. I believe this is a leaf scorch problem; these tend to show up in the hot weather. You should probably get the tree tested to see if it is a bacterial leaf scorch or not. Bacterial leaf scorch is a lethal disease transmitted by insects, whereas other leaf scorch diseases are a result of environmental stress and are not likely to cause great harm to the tree. I am attaching an article about Bacterial Leaf Scorch below.  Try to reduce stress on the tree during droughty periods by watering and mulching.

I hope this is helpful.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 30, 2019, 12:46 PM EDT

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