
Sharp seeds with barbs/burrs #580479

Asked July 16, 2019, 12:09 AM EDT

My dog has been investigating our new property which is forested and has come out with a large quantity of sharp 3/4 inch black bits of what I assume are seeds and they have burrs and barbs (since they are really difficult to get out of her fur and skin) and bowed a bit. Is there a way to identify what the plant and to find out what it looks like so I can go in and see if I can remove as many as I can locate in the areas that she loves to roam. Thanks, in advance, for any help you can offer.

Washington County Oregon

Expert Response

My guess is that those are a type of hitchhiker seeds of the aster family Bidens pilos. Take a look at some internet pictures and see if they match the ones you are seeing. You could contact OSU Horticulture and ask for identification.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 16, 2019, 4:57 PM EDT
Here are some images of this plant showing seeds and flowers.

If that's not what injured your dog, check for other daisy-like plants and see if they have the offending seeds. Washington County Master Gardeners can help confirm the ID if you are able to bring a sample, ideally the entire plant with as many intact parts as possible. Find your local Master Gardener contact information here:

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