
Creeping weed ID and elimination #580143

Asked July 15, 2019, 8:57 AM EDT

I avoided using any herbicides in the spring this year and now the lawn is being overrun with a creeping weed. At first we thought it was creeping charlie or sorrel but it doesn’t seem to match images I can find. Can you help identify it and tell me the best was to get rid of it? I can try to pull it out but there won’t be much lawn left.

Washtenaw County Michigan

Expert Response


This is black medic. Black medic is often included on difficult-to-control weed lists. This is because medic can be resistant to many common broadleaf herbicide and herbicide combinations. Clopyralid, fluroxypyr, and quinclorac are among the most effective active ingredients for black medic. Two- and Three-way combination products can be very effective when applied in the fall.

Disclaimer:Always read, understand, and follow the label directions. Mention or exclusion of specific products does not represent an endorsement or condemnation of any product by Michigan State University.

Here is the turf weeds website. Each wee has multiple pictures of the different identification characteristics, and management options.

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