Grapes Drying on the Vine - Ask Extension
I have some Frontenac grape vines on an arbor in my garden, and some of the grapes look good, while others are turning brown and drying up. Do you kn...
Grapes Drying on the Vine #578462
Asked July 09, 2019, 4:39 PM EDT
I have some Frontenac grape vines on an arbor in my garden, and some of the grapes look good, while others are turning brown and drying up. Do you know what may be causing this problem? I attached photos of the grapes and also leaves. Thanks!
Hennepin County Minnesota
Expert Response
It could be too much water.
or it would be spotted wing drosophila.
or it would be spotted wing drosophila.
It could also be black rot, and it is a fungal disease.