
Brown growths on tree #577887

Asked July 08, 2019, 11:38 AM EDT

Our tree in Highlands Ranch (pictures attached) had brown nodules growth in the Fall of last year. We had several “Experts” look at it and were told a wide range of possible issues. The tree bloomed out this year except where the brown growths were. They are starting to fall off the tree now. Any ideas to save the tree? Thanks in advance for your expertise. Royce Finley

Douglas County Colorado

Expert Response

Hello Royce,

Your Green Ash tree appears to show signs of Ash-Flower Gall, which is an abnormal growth due to disease, insects or even mites. This growth does not harm the overall health of the tree, but may weaken the branches if the galls are too heavy. This problem is seen as "cosmetic" and not many treatments are suggested.

Following advice from the University of Wisconsin, spraying an application of Carbaryl (Sevin) at the first sign of green flower sites will reduce the amount of gall growth.
Attached below is a link to the University of Wisconsin article.

I hope this helps answer your problem and if you have any further questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Kind Regards, Replied July 08, 2019, 1:13 PM EDT

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