
What is this frog #577438

Asked July 06, 2019, 7:45 PM EDT

Found this frog can figure out what it is.

Roanoke County Virginia

Expert Response

Thank you for your question. This is one of the true toads. Unfortunately, I can't tell you for sure what species it is. Based on your location, it's either an American Toad, scientific name Anaxyrus americanus or Fowler's Toad, Anaxyrus fowleri.

Both species inhabit terrestrial habitats, including wooded areas, open fields, pastures, agricultural and suburban areas. They feed on various types of insects. Fowler's toads seem to prefer ants and beetles.

Here's a link to the Frogs and Toads of Virginia where you can get more information on these species:

If you are interested in learning more about frogs and toads in Virginia, here's an excellent field guide:

Dorcas, Mike and Whit Gibbons. (2008). Frogs & Toads of the Southeast. Athens: University of Georgia Press.   

I hope this information helps, and thank you for contacting Ask an Expert.


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