Peach fruit pest #576614
Asked July 03, 2019, 2:21 PM EDT
Ontario County New York
Expert Response
These photos, unfortunately, aren't very clear in the areas that would help to see in detail. The pattern of the damage to the peach looks like Bacterial Spot of Peach caused by the bacterium Xanthomonas campestris pv. pruni. It also affects the leaves and can create sections of necrotic tissue. I cannot see the leaf photo clearly enough to see if the white patches are dead leaf tissue or a growth on the leaves, but dead leaf tissue with holes would be consistent with bacterial spot. There is another bacterial infection called Bacterial Leaf Spot that can affect peaches and damage the leaves. Here are descriptions from Cornell of both of these problems and the related symptoms you will find on your tree if they are present:
- Bacterial Spot of Peach
- Bacterial Leaf Spot
You may want to bring or send a plant sample to the Ontario County Cornell Cooperative Extension Office in Canandiagua where they operate diagnostic labs. You can reach their senior educator Russell Welser at:
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