
Plum leaf curl #575814

Asked July 01, 2019, 11:34 AM EDT

Hello, My plum tree has leaf curl, and I'm trying to determine the cause and the cure. I've included some pictures. The curl affects the leaves at the tips of the branches, and then they turn brown and shrivel up. There also appear to be some reddish brown bugs or larvae. I would appreciate any advice you might have! Thanks, Tina

Boulder County Colorado

Expert Response

It's difficult to tell without a true diagnostic, but it looks like damage from leaf curl plum aphids.  If leaf curl plum aphids are a chronic problem, two treatments of horticultural oil just as buds are swelling can be effective. Hard blasts of water can remove the aphids from trees if this is done early in the growing season before they have been able to shelter inside curled leaves.

This info came from the following site, which you might find helpful.

Additional information can be found at :

As for the orange insect, we are having trouble identifying it...can you send a closer picture?  

Please let us know if you have more questions.
thank you and have a great 4th 

An Ask Extension Expert Replied July 03, 2019, 4:06 PM EDT

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