
Swamp maple #575606

Asked June 30, 2019, 3:29 PM EDT

This swamp maple is in my yard in the old section of Greenbelt and I'm worried about it. It may be declining but maybe if I had some of the branches removed, the tree would be under less stress. Attached photos show more detail. The tree is within a retaining wall area facing west. The tree provides much appreciated shading to the side of the house, saving me some AC costs. You'll see one large branch where the leaves are especially sparse. I'm wondering if it would help the tree to have that one large branch removed, as well as have some selective pruning done elsewhere. I'm thinking that if the tree did not have to nourish so many branches, maybe it could flourish a bit more in the retaining wall area. I've learned a little bit about as a tree service. Their website seems to suggest that their staff are very well-informed about trees. What thoughts might you have about the condition of this tree, about selective pruning as a way to help it, and perhaps about the credentials and experience listed at or anything you may know about this company?>

Prince George's County Maryland

Expert Response

We would not recommend removing the branch.  A tree needs the leaves to carry on photosynthesis to constantly renew the energy it uses. Reducing leaf coverage weakens it. 

We cannot recommend or comment on specific tree service companies.  We do highly recommend that you use a tree service company that has a certified arborist who can look at the tree.  They should be certified by the International Society of Arboriculture (ISA).  You can find companies with certified arborists near you at:

VERY helpful. The ISA site was very informative!  Thanks!
The Question Asker Replied July 02, 2019, 1:09 PM EDT

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