
Maple Tree dying #575587

Asked June 30, 2019, 2:38 PM EDT

We have a maple tree that appeared healthy. The tree fully budded. In the last month the leaves wilted and then turned brown. The tree is clearly dying. We have a Japanese Maple next to it and we don't want to see it die as well. Do you know why are maple is sick? We have attached pictures.

Oakland County Michigan

Expert Response

Hello I’m so sorry your maple is in trouble. Unfortunately, I cannot tell you what caused its problem; whether it was environmental or disease or an insect. It is difficult to look at a picture and give you the right answer. I suggest that you contact the International Society of Arboriculture to help with this problem. Go to the website of the ISA to find a certified arborist in your area.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 30, 2019, 9:33 PM EDT

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