
noisey bugs in central oregon #569736

Asked June 12, 2019, 4:20 PM EDT

I'm not sure that the noise is being created by the 1 inch + fly-like insect I've found around this spring. --- some are grey/black a bit over an inch or so with fly type wings, others are a pastel green with somewhat different wings and a tinge of yellow to the green. I first noticed these creatures in my outstanding crop of weed mustard which (although less after last year's mass pulling) is still plentiful and exceptionally succulent this year. My property has my house on the top of a hill with the land slanting down most markedly to the east and north. (I am 5 miles up Juniper Canyon in Ochoco Land and Livestock 'subdivision'). The noise was first noticed in the junipers to the east of the house, the "bugs" to the northern edge where I was pulling mustard near the manure pile. In the last week to 10 days they seem to have moved up the hill to the trees near the house (small grove of Aspen in back - north side) along with about three pines, some ornamental juniper and a couple of spruce along with a few fruit trees etc.). Who are these guys? Should I wage some sort of war on them? And then, yes, I will send another email regarding my crop of mustard.

Crook County Oregon

Expert Response

Hi,  I am not sure what you are describing without seeing a photo or live insect sample.  Are you able to take a photo of them and send it?  We should be able to id it once we have that.  Then I can suggest management if necessary.  

Thank you for your reply Ms. Detweiler,

I took photos this morning.  None of the pale green ones (same size, shape, wings etc) perhaps they were youngsters?   There are two things I can think of that might have contributed: our very wet spring with a bumper crop of weed mustard; my neighbor "buried" (aka piled dirt on top of) a horse this spring or winter.

But these "flies" are all over and I am pretty sure they are the source of the clicking sound.  My photo of them on a branch did not come out well but here are some others.  They are about an inch long. Plentiful, annoying, unsettling critters!
Thank you.
The Question Asker Replied June 14, 2019, 3:48 PM EDT
I took some more photos tonight.  Better ones maybe?  They do have (at least some of them) yellow "veins" on their wings + head.  They ARE responsible for the noise - I watched them.  It feels like a plague of these bugs which I wish were innocuous but fear are not. 


Thanks for your help

The Question Asker Replied June 16, 2019, 10:29 PM EDT
Hi Audra,  

These are cicadas. We have received several phone calls from the Prineville area. I am not certain which species it is as there are several different kinds of cicadas in the Western United States, but it looks like it could be Neoplatypedia constricta or Putnams Cicada ( Platypedia putnami)  Here is some additional information on cicadas: I don't think their presence requires management of any kind.   Thanks, 

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