
Apple Tree: Blooms but no leaves #568090

Asked June 07, 2019, 9:36 AM EDT

I know nothing about the apple tree in my yard. We've lived here for three growing seasons and have had fruit the past two years. This year I have blooms, but no leaves, with the exception of one branch at the bottom of the tree, which has both leaves and blooms. Many of the leaves are curled. The blooms are just starting to open on the middle section of the tree, while the top third is just beginning to bud. If this is a disease I'm worried how it will affect my neighbor's fruit trees, which are approximately 40 feet away. Any help or suggestions you can give me will be so appreciated!

St. Louis County Minnesota

Expert Response

It is probably winter damage. Based on the signs you describe your tree will not make the neighbors tree sick. EXPLANATION OF WINTER DAMAGE: Healthy new growth in spring suddenly shrivels and dies. The tree has enough stored carbohydrates in the wood to get the buds growing in the spring. But the underlying vascular tissue that conducts water has died or been significantly injured. When the first warmish days arrive, and water is needed, the buds wilt and die due to a lack of water from the root system. Keep watering your tree most of it will probably recover.

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