
My dogwoods are dying #566965

Asked June 03, 2019, 7:50 PM EDT

hello. I have three mature dogwoods that are dying. One of them appears to be completely dead and the others are rapidly following. I just noticed one last month and now it appears the others are suffering too. Something is boring into the branches and the leaves that are remaining are are brown and spotted. thank you for any assistance, Charles in Rockville

Montgomery County Maryland

Expert Response

The woodpecker damage on the branch suggests birds were searching for borers. Dogwood trees are susceptible to dogwood borers, which can contribute to their decline.

Your first photo shows symptoms of a disease called spot anthracnose.

Unfortunately, dogwood trees are susceptible to a number of diseases and pest problems that can contribute to their decline over time.
For this reason, we now recommend planting disease-resistant dogwoods.

Unfortunately, it looks like its time to consider removal/replacement.

The Maryland Department of Natural Resources offers tree rebates -- $25 off the cost -- if you choose from their approved list/recommended nurseries. Here is information about that if it is something you want to consider.

Tree Montgomery is another program to look into for tree replacement. 


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