
What wild flower is this?... #566152

Asked May 31, 2019, 3:08 PM EDT

What wild flower is this? I have searched but can't find anything. Use the clover in the pic for size reference.

Portage County Ohio

Expert Response

Thanks for using Ask a Master Gardener with your plant identification question.

I am not able to clearly see any leaf structure for the plant you are asking about to help with identification . I see clover, ground Ivy, and plantain leaves, as well as the turf grass, but cannot pick out a leaf for the plant in question. The flowers go out of focus as I enlarge the photo for more detail.

If the flower is attached to the round scalloped leaf in the lower right of the photo, then I would say that it is Ground Ivy, Glecoma hederacea.
The lip on the lower flower makes me think that it is indeed a mint. If you can isolate the plant to which the flower is attached, it would help me.
Here is a weed fact sheet from The Ohio State University about Ground Ivy:

If the flower in question is not attached to that plant (which is a weed in turf grass), then send a reply to this response with a clearer photo and the leaf of the plant. You could remove a small portion and photograph separately. Thanks.

The flower is also reminiscent of the flower on the annual lobelia, which would not be a native of Ohio. You could look up Lobelia erinus to see if it matches. The plant would have to have been seeded into your turf by birds or other animals moving the seeds from an annual planting.

Sorry that I cannot be of more help. The photo is limiting me in my attempt to identify the flower. Thanks for your question.
This web site is awful to communicate with. Of course my windows phone doesn't want to communicate with my windows OP system, so no pics. If you could email me at <personal data hidden> and not thru this web site. I cant communicate with your web site at work, Please give me a valid email address to send pics to. I have much better pictures of these flowers. I have seen pics of the Lobelia erinus, These aren't the same. Might be close but these flowers look like an insect and there not as prolific.
The Question Asker Replied June 03, 2019, 9:41 PM EDT
Hi Jim,

We do apologize for the glitches we are presently experiencing with the system.  It is not only on your end.  If you would like to send photo to:  Johnson<personal data hidden>
we will see if we can ID this plant.

Thank you for your patience.

Best regards,

Denise J.
An Ask Extension Expert Replied June 04, 2019, 8:20 AM EDT

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