
Bartlett Pear Tree #564654

Asked May 26, 2019, 3:18 PM EDT

Hi, I have a dwarf Bartlett Pear tree and this year is the first time it has had blossoms.  But there is something on the leaves and I'm not sure if it affected the blossoms too.  
Do you think it will still bare fruit?
Can you tell me what this is and how to treat it?  

Bradford County Pennsylvania

Expert Response

There are a couple of leaf spot diseases that affect pear trees. To be sure which one you have, you need to send a sample to Penn State Extension plant clinic. They will diagnose the problem and give you a management plan. You need to know if it's a fungal infection or a bacteria before you can treat it. You can take a sample of infected leaves to your local Penn State Extension or you can go online to the plant clinic website and follow directions for submitting a sample. Here is the link.

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 26, 2019, 4:27 PM EDT

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