
Peaches fall off before ripening #564177

Asked May 24, 2019, 12:29 PM EDT

Both my peach trees will get dozens of fruit about the size of kumquats and then all fall off before they ripen. What can I do to fix it?

Sussex County New Jersey

Expert Response


Peach trees normally cannot handle all of the fruit produced by the flowers in the spring. Farmers who have orchards will thin by taking off almost one half to two thirds of the fruit. The remaining fruit can then develop to a good size without too much stress on the tree. You also need to apply a fruit tree spray to protect developing fruit from disease and insect damage. Sprays usually go on following bloom. Here is a fact sheet:

Thank you for contacting Cooperative Extension,

An Ask Extension Expert Replied May 28, 2019, 8:47 AM EDT

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